Social crowd sensored happiness response 3

Locality of interest -- color app
Poles of interest -- twitter following facebook activity, time consumed counter

In general applicated science

Social crowd sensored happiness response 2

Auto update social profiles in facebook twitter buzz
Auto conversation in reddit or other popular forums

Social crowd sensored happiness response 1

Define characteristic
Fluid characteristics
Random choise of characteristic changes or remain
Countable social interest-happiness

Social crowd sensored happiness

Happiness sensors
Contact specific happy nodes or unhappy modes
Interest beased
Random trees to find path of happiness

Alcohool bases
Drug bad bases
Social Event bases

Happiness counters crowded trade off
Based always on the character s main characteristic


θυμάμαι 1

τριών τεσσάρων, παίζαμε μπάλα τέρμα εθνικών αγώνων, έπαιζα πάντα τέρμα και έτρωγα τα γόνατά μου ανελλιπώς